Of,gb:X,Y "gabbY" is now the oldest recorded Great Lakes Piping Plover!
gabbY at Cumberland Island, GA on 1/29/2025 Gabby is now in her 16th year and is officially the oldest Piping Plover ever in the Great...

A Close Call for bYG
Life isn’t easy on the shore. Shorebirds confront many issues daily: predators, dogs, storms, sea-level rise… They also must deal with...

Migration Mystery
Last November Collin Stempien discovered the previously-unknown wintering territory of Of,bY:X,L (bYL or "Bill") at Horn Island, MS....

GabbY is now 15 years old!
On January 25th, 2024 Sarah Tolve was looking for wintering PIping Plovers at Cumberland Island National Seashore in Georgia and found...

biNG and YO YO…A match made at Hilton Head?
Two Great Lakes Piping Plovers were seen in October at Fish Haul Beach on Hilton Head Island, SC. One is a male. (Of,bN:X,G) We call him...

The 2023 Winner of the Plover Race! (as far as we know)
Vince Cavalieri, Wildlife Biologist at Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore, found Of,bL:X,O (bLO) at her summer home near Glen Haven...

Of,LV:X,L (LeVeL) is on her way!
After spending her winter at Crandon Park, Near Miami, FL LeVeL is on her way north (L=black, -V=violet, the "e"s make it pronounceable.)...

Ready to Head North!
Great Lakes Piping Plovers are molting into alternate (breeding) plumage. They've replaced white and gray feathers around the head and...

Of,RR:X,V (RRV or Irv) is spending his fourth winter at Yum Balam in Yucatan, Mexico
We've added a new plover life story about him to the plover stories tab of our website.

2022 Captive-reared chick now in FL
The 2022 Captive-reared chick (Of,bG:X,L/O/L) that was featured in this blog on August 2nd is now in southwest Florida. On August 2nd it...