Preparing to Head North
Great Lakes Piping Plovers are beginning to molt into alternate (breeding) plumage in preparation for their trip back north. Pat and...

"The Zombie Chick" lives!
A fourth 2019 captive reared chick has been spotted along the Georgia coast by a dedicated plover observer! This captive reared chick,...

"Nubbins" O,b:X,- (b300) traveled from Michigan to Georgia to the Yucatan!
The Piping Plover known affectionately as "Nubbins" has just been seen in the Yucatan. Read about what we know of his life in the "Plover...

A Plover Story of Survival and Long-distance Travel
In 2019 a Piping Plover chick hatched near Sleeping Bear Point in Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore. It was one of several to hatch...

Great Lakes Piping Plovers return to Non-breeding territories
Great Lakes (and other) Piping Plovers have been returning to their "wintering" territories since July 16th. Ed and Aija Konrad of South...

A Less Lonely Shore – The Great Lakes Piping Plover and the Endangered Species Act: A comeback story
Several years ago, I was out monitoring piping plovers on North Manitou Island in Lake Michigan, part of Sleeping Bear Dunes National...

Great Lakes Piping Plover 2019 Breeding Season Begins
A piping plover nest hidden amongst the cobble of a Great Lakes Beach A pair of plovers beginning their nesting season! The 2019 Great...

First Great Lakes Piping Plovers of 2019 Arrive
The first Piping Plovers of the 2019 Great Lakes nesting season have begun arriving. Two were reported in the southern Great Lakes on...

Another Pennsylvania Chick Made it to Florida
We reported recently about a captive-reared chick from one of the first two nests in Pennsylvania in 60 years. Now a second Pennsylvania...

Eight Captive-reared Chicks Make it to the Coasts.
Half of the 16 captive-reared Great Lakes Piping Plover chicks that were released this summer have been seen on wintering territories....