Partnering for plovers and plants in northern Michigan
Rare birds and plants in Michigan are benefiting from some team work among federal, state and local partners. This summer, staff from the...

Captive Raised Plovers make it to Wintering Grounds
When last we reported on Old Man Plover’s last chick, it was sitting quietly on a beach amongst some driftwood and cobble on a beach at...

Piping Plovers on the Wintering Grounds
Great Lakes Piping Plovers typically begin arriving back on their territories on Great Lakes beaches in April and May and then most...

What did Hurricane Matthew mean for Great Lakes Piping Plovers?
Hurricane Matthew plowed through much of the winter range of both the Atlantic Coast piping plover population and the Great Lakes piping...

“Old Man Plover” (BO:X,g) made it south!
The oldest plover in the Great Lakes population has returned to his South Carolina winter home. His mate from 2014 and 2015, Of,GL:X,Y, ...

Record Breaking Number of Chicks Fledged for Great Lakes Piping Plover.
The 2016 Great Lakes Piping Plover season started with the same two males arriving at the two exact same places in Michigan and on the...

Can the Science of Cute Help Shorebirds?
If you’re one of many people that went to the theaters recently to see Disney Pixar’s new movie Finding Dory, then hopefully you arrived...

The journey of Of,GL:X,Y…as best we can piece it together.
Of,GL X,Y at Presq’ile Prov Park, ONT, Photo: David Bree, 5-3-2016 One of the fascinations of working with individually marked and...

Great Lakes Piping Plovers begin their journey north!
In April, Great Lakes Piping Plovers begin to move northward from their wintering grounds on the Southern Atlantic and Gulf Coasts of the...

Field Season 2013 Wrap Up
At 66 pairs, this season marks the second highest breeding pair total since the Great Lakes piping plover was listed as endangered (and...