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"The Zombie Chick" lives!

A fourth 2019 captive reared chick has been spotted along the Georgia coast by a dedicated plover observer! This captive reared chick, aka VOO - the Zombie Chick, is extra special. Of,V/OO:X,O (VOO) came from an abandoned nest on North Manitou Island. The eggs had to be incubated on the island by a hard-working monitor for a whole day and night before the park boat could get out to retrieve them. When the eggs finally arrived at the captive rearing center they were thought to be dead, but after a few days in the incubator one of the four eggs came to life and showed movement! This amazing egg continued to thrive and, about a week later, hatched. It was dubbed "the zombie chick". VOO, the zombie chick, was released into the wild July 24th at Whitefish Point, MI. What an amazing story this little VOO has had! It truly shows the resiliency of plover eggs and the importance of the work of our plover monitors, the captive rearing program and the winter observers/reporters. As always thanks to all involved in making VOO's story an amazing reality!

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